For long one had hoped that the increasing number of 'men of God' that do not add value to the church of God was a passing phenomenon. But they keep increasing.  Each comes claiming God spoke to them to start one 'church' or ministry. People keep trooping to hear them; believing sincerely that these men have words from the Lord.
One has realized wishing that these will phase out naturally is not in line with scripture. For it says, in the last days false prophets will arise and deceive many. But the church of Jesus must fight for it's purity.
True Prophetic Purpose
The Old Testaments Prophets were messengers of God and they never spoke on their own. To Moses  God said, "Now, go! I will help you to speak, and I will tell you what to say" (Exodus 4 12). To Jeremiah he said, ".. 'Listen, I am giving you the words you must speak'" . (Jeremiah 1:9). To Ezekiel he said, "You will tell them whatever I tell you to say..."  (Ezekiel 2:7). When these prophets spoke, it was with authority. "Thus says the Lord" was their confidence.They spoke God’s words not man's.
"People needed to discern whether a person was a true or false prophet but they where not left with the responsibility to decide what part of prophecy was right and what part was wrong. If any part was wrong the prophet was false". When the Lord Jesus came as man he spoke not of himself but what he heard from the Father. The disciples he left likewise depended on the Holy spirit to become his witnesses (Acts 1:8).
The prophetic purpose therefore was and still is to hear from God; and the prophet's responsibility was and is to speak forth or foretell to God's  people accordingly. The prophets of the Old Testament foretold of God's plan for the redemption of man, the New Testaments gifts of prophecy helps build the church of the redeemed (Ephesians 4:11-13; 1Corinthians 12:7) and to turn people’s heart  back to God (1 Corinthians 14:24-25). But some of the prophets and prophecies we hear today have contrary effects.
Jesus Warned
Jesus warned, false prophet will come to mislead many  (Matthew 24:11,24). As agents of Satan, we see today that many have come with signs and wonders. They are leading people off the way of holiness. They divert the interest of people away from the heavenly to the earthly things. They  entice people to think more of their physical needs rather than their spiritual needs.
These are self appointed prophets who give themselves  titles and make bogus declarations that are empty of substances and not of God. They claim prophethood to enhance their status and to gain control to manipulate their followers with, "The Lord says", when the Lord said nothing (Jeremiah 23:21-25). Though their prophecies never come true yet they pull crowds who follow and listen to their false prophecies.
With Itching Ears
The Bible predicted, "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.  They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths (2 Timothy 4:3-4). Unfortunately people prefer listening to the false prophets and reject the true prophets because they do not want to change their sinful ways of living.
Among many of this itching ears  are people genuinely hungary for the words of God.  But the prophets are not telling them the truth from God. The wonder is why they keep going back Sunday after Sunday. Out of ignorance many souls are unable to discern between the true and the false prophecies.
Identifying False Prophets
The  standard for identifying future-telling false prophets is simple: when the future event he predicts does not come  true,  the prophet is false. Many goodies are prophesied to individuals and congregations that never comes true. Those concerned keep loosing their 'investments' as these goodies are supposed to mature after 'sowing seeds of faith' . For example a barren woman is promised a child of her own  if she gave some money to the prophet. Others are promised promotion at work or success in  busness and many things, including what the people never plan to acquire or to become. People are psyched to believe that the in-thing is to have or become something in life that stands one out socially or materially . Typically a 'prophecy' is given concerning 'someone' and 'everyone' in the church shouts amen, claiming it. Where the 'someone' is asked to come out to be prayed for, more than one persons rush forward. You wonder.
Another way of identifying a false prophet is when he performs signs and wonders that leads people away from God (Deuteronomy 13:1-3). Through signs and wonders many people are deceived. They think anything supernatural must be from God.  Our churches are full of people looking for supernatural experiences and solutions. They are not concerned about their  sinful lives and how to live righteously. They are led astray to following other gods.   They no longer consult their Bible to verify if what they see or hear is true or false.
Also a clear sign of false prophets is that they use the name of the Lord Jesus and may even perform signs and wonders but live in sin (Matthew 7:20).
Operating from Within
Falsely prophets work from within the church.  Instead of going out to start own organization and call it something else, they insist on beign Christian and carrying out their plans in the church. (2 Peter 2:1-3). They disguise as ministers of righteousness ( 2 Corithians 11:13-15). Hence making it difficult to see the threat to the church. They infitrate and influence the church in negative ways. They secretly introduce destructive heresies. They seduce people with 'wonderful' claims and mesmerise them with signs and wonders.
They are rebellious and despise authority (2 peter 2:10) and will not account to  anyone.  They are not willing to serve under anyone but want to lord over others. They appeal to their titles and positions to enhance their status or demand alligience.
They are Dangerous
Falsely prophets do not really speak the word of God. If they read from the Bible; it is to give a Christian coloration to satanic messages they give. These messages do not have power to turn people from their evil ways. They are like chaff with no nutritional value and cannot satisfy the spiritual hunger. So they starve their congregations spiritually using their dreams and vain imaginations to replace the truth of the Bible.
Some of these prophets are mediums who stand between the diabolical spirit world and human beings. God forbade such among the Israelites of old.  They were grouped together with occultists and witches deserving death (Leviticus 20:27). As a Christian, why would God bypass me in important issues of my life - career, marriage, family or relationships to go tell another first. False prophets are not willing that christians communicate directly with God. They keep, "Prophesying great things in order to motivate people and keep the money coming in". Such  spiritual exaggeration is not of God. It is an abuse of God's name to manipulate and dispossess others of their minds and materials.
Testing Prophecies
The Bible admonishes  "Do not put out the Spirit's fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil" (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22) and to test the spirit to see whether they are from God. (1 John 4:1)
Primarily, prophecies should be tested against the Bible. The Berean Christians were praised for checking the scriptures to see if all they heard were true (Acts 17:11).
Neil T Anderson in his book: The Core of Christianity gives five guidlines on testing prophecies
1. Is the person giving the prophetic utterance living a balanced and righteous life?
2. Are they committed to building God’s kingdom or or are they enhancing their status...Is Christ being lifted up or are they being lifted up.
3. Does the prophetic utterance build confidence in the word of God and is it consistent with a balanced presentation of the word?
4. Does the use of the spiritual gift bring unity to the church and cause the members to build up one another?
5. Do the spiritual manifestation bypass the mind? God operates through our mind, Satan bypasses it.
There are true prophets who hear from God and say nothing different from the word of God to the people. These we must not lump together with the false prophet who are out to distort the word of God to serve ungodly ends. True prophets announce only God’s word. Their primary purpose is to expose sin and call people back to the moral standards of the Bible and declare the way of the Lord.
Nharel J. Namani


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