A Missionary is basically a disciple of Jesus Christ living among those people who are not, one committed to the fulfillment of the great commission: Preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, Baptizing and Making Disciples as instructed in Matthew 28:19-20. By this definition every Christian, follower or Disciple of Jesus Christ should be a Missionary by default, living solely for the purpose of advancing the kingdom irrespective of whatever capacity or sphere of influence he she commands. This task of preaching the gospel and making disciple of all people in our sphere of influence and beyond is not and should not be restricted to a few people through making of distinctions between “the Clergy” and “the Laity”, after all Christianity was never intended by God to be another religion because enough of those religions existed before Christ came. Rather it was intended to be a Movement where a disciple follows his master or teacher everywhere he goes, does what his master does, and...