The pulpit is the most sacred and exalted place in the church. He who occupies this position stands as the representative of Christ. This is the minister's first line of offense. From this honored and dedicated place, he boldly denounces sin and courageously challenges the devil. From the sacred desk are heard the truths of God which cuts as a two-edged sword, bringing both conviction and contrition to the sinner and the worshiper. Words of life and death flow from this fount. To this vantage point, the penitent looks for the heavenly balm of Gilead. Preachers must be careful not to allow their comportment to undermine the authority of the word of God and bring reproach to the name of Christ.
The preacher must have a good posture. He must not stand in a slouched position, leaning over or on the pulpit. He should stand erect, with both feet on the floor. To lean on the pulpit does not impress the congregation that the speaker has any fire and enthusiasm, or that his message is of any great import. Preacher must not be in the habit of pounding the desk or the Bible in order to be emphatic; there are other ways of expressing emphasis.
The appearance of the preacher has much to say about his message,so the man on the pulpit must dress to please His master that he represents and seek to glorify Christ in his dressing. Preachers are not Nollywood actors that should appear with make-ups,bangles, trinkets, even jerry curled hair and curved nails on the pulpit; all these externals does not add anything to your message rather they rubbish it. The simple rule for preacher when it comes to dressing is modesty and God’s glory.“Look well to yourself [to your own personality] and to [your] teaching; persevere in these things [hold to them], for by so doing you will save both yourself and those who hear you” 1Tim. 4:16(AMP).
Introduction and Presentation
It is both repugnant and a violation of pulpit etiquette to introduce a preacher in a protracted and flattering manner. The pulpit is not to be desecrated by indulging in superlatives and hyperboles. To introduce someone as the "world's greatest preacher," a "nationally" or "internationally known figure," et cetera, is out of place. The pulpit is not a place for bogus and empty show of titles, achievements and credentials as if preachers are politicians whose goal is to impress and oppress their hearers with their worldly achievements. A true minister of God does not appreciate such remarks, it rather embarrasses him, a modest introduction concerning his life, ministry and work is sufficient.
The pulpit is not a place to boast of or to praise the members of the preacher's family. There may be occasions when it would be fitting to refer to the family in the pulpit, but to exalt them and talk frequently of their merits meets with the disapprobation of the congregation. To say publicly that your wife is the best and most beautiful woman in the world is not the subject or language to be heard from the pulpit, tell your wife in private as often as you wish how beautiful and wonderful she is.
Language Presentation
Language  presentation on the pulpit must not be crude, vulgar or abusive. Correctionand rebuke on the pulpit must be edifying and comforting. “But [on the other hand], the one who prophesies [who interprets the divine will and purpose in inspired preaching and teaching] speaks to men for their upbuilding and constructive spiritual progress and encouragement and consolation” 1 Cor. 14:3(AMP).
Jesting, joking, and telling gruesome stories are out of order on the pulpit. It is not the place to display one's humor and make people laugh. There is a time and place for wit and genuine humor, but seldom should it be used on the pulpit; if done at all, it should be with moderation and restraint. To tell funny stories and describe repulsive scenes is to degrade and denigrate the pulpit and weaken its influence“Nor is it fitting for you to use language which is obscene, profane, or vulgar. Rather you should give thanks to God”.Eph 5:4-5(GNT)  But the comedian and Nollywood actors that we parade on our pulpit today give church members and the world the wrong and fatal impression that preaching and teaching God’s word is no longer a serious spiritual business; the tragedyof it all is that, the immoral and godless lifestyle of these actors negates the very message that we preach on the pulpit, so we confuse our hearers and endorse their lifestyle.
Parading politicians on the pulpit crept in silently but dangerously when Christians ministers and preachers began to romance with politician for cheap popularity and financial gratification, it was not so in the beginning, it is now the norm to parade them on our altar and pulpit even when they are coming straight from the shrine, or neck deep in embarrassing scandal.While it is not wrong for any caliber of politician to come into the church, the responsibility of the preacher is to confront them with living oracles that will convict them, not cede our pulpit to them to corrupt the spiritual atmosphere of our pulpit and teaching. Man of God, the way you are opening up your pulpit to every kind of strange men, you will soon come under strange influence yourself that will dilute your utterance and anointing; and whatever you think you are going to gain financially and in popularity will not make for divine virtue that will leak out of your life and several of your members that you are going to confuse, the gamble is not worth it. God has called us to declare divine oracles as ultimatum not as a compromise of politicians
“It was the fifteenth year of the rule of Emperor Tiberius; Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod was ruler of Galilee, and his brother Philip was ruler of the territory of Iturea and Trachonitis; Lysanias was ruler of Abilene, and Annas and Caiaphas were High Priests. At that time the word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the desert” Luke 3:1-3(GNT).
I am sure neither Jesus nor John will share their pulpit with Emperor Tiberius,Governor Pilate,Herod or his brother Phillip, not even with Annas and Caiaphas of their days for whatever reason; we are getting it wrong we expose our pulpit to opportunist politicians.
“If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.”Charles Finney.
Announcements that are made from the pulpit should not destroy the spiritual atmosphere of the worship service,preaching or teaching, announcements must be done briefly and concisely. The preaching is robbed of its dignity when announcers make light of preacher’s message by careless comment and frivolous spirit.
Prayer Ministration
Prayer offered in the pulpit must be spiritual, biblically edifying and simple; prayers need not be stereotyped,repetitious or flowery.Prayer should be simple and uttered in true New Testament pattern not just in shout and noise, addressing God solemnly and respectfully.
The devil is becoming more popular than God on the pulpit today, all in the name of deliverance and killing our real and imaginary enemies. We must be careful not to give undue attention and advantage to the devil on the pulpit;this is not a New Testament pattern.
Pulpit prayers must come with holy burden and be heartfelt to move others to pray, itshould also be reverent, free of vain repetition and any profanation of the name of God.
There is no point pushing people down manually,emotionally or psychologically when you pray for them for that is deception, let their falling down be under genuine presence and power of the Holy Spirit, more so the falling does not necessarily guarantee any lasting deliverance it only boost your own carnal ego, allow the Holy Spirit to move in His own determined way.“God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to His will” Heb. 2:4(NIV).
Offering Presentation
Bishop and pastors tell blatant and fabricated lies on the pulpit and testimonies are exaggerated to make false impressions, deceive unsuspecting members and to collect fraudulent offerings, these carnal and unspiritual manipulation belittle the sublime and spiritual purpose of the pulpit.
The call for the offering from the pulpit must be done in piety, integrity and dignity. To resort to lightness and humor in calling for the offering is sacrilegious. We stand in dire need of solemnising and spiritualising this part of pulpit presentation. A few appropriate remarks are in order, stating clearly what the offering is for  and quoting a brief statement from the Bible that would encourage and inspire the people to participate in this segment of the service. The call for and the receiving of the tithes and offerings are as sacred and essential a part of the service as the preaching, and should be done with as much thought and care, we must be careful not to destroy our message at this point by manipulating and arm-twisting people who are already under the conviction of the word of God,and give our hearers the impression that we are hirelings, and that the goal of our preaching is offering and not transformation of lives.
“Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God”2 Cor 2:17(NIV)
Bishop, pastor and preacher,  it could be Christ that you representing with the way you carry yourself arrogantly  around on the pulpit, the foolish jesting, worldly dressing, the indiscriminate and fraudulent offering that you collect  is wearing the integrity of  your pulpit and bringing embarrassment to Christ your master you will need to repent quickly and approach your pulpit soberly, humbly and with deep consecration that is becoming of the man of God.“When I first came to you, dear brothers and sisters, I didn’t use lofty words and impressive wisdom to tell you God’s secret plan. For I decided that while I was with you I would forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified.I came to you in weakness—timid and trembling”1 Cor 2:1-3(NLT)
Our attitude, mood, and demeanor on the platform and in the pulpit will have its influence on the degree of reverence and inspiration that will prevail in the service. Let us as ministers and preachers, be exemplary in our manners and behavior, both on the platform and in the pulpit, ever remembering that whatever impression we make by our deportment will tend either to elevate or misrepresent our master and His message
God holds His ministers responsible for the influence that the pulpit exerts over the pew; let us then be conscious of that responsibility and make certain that the ethics, manners, and procedures we follow in our meetings will exalt Christ and do credit to His name.


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