The Greatest Weapon ever created.

What is the Most Powerful Weapon created with the most Terrific Global Impact ever? No! It is neither North Korea’s Inter-continental Ballistic Missile Launchers, ANTI-MISSILE nor Missile Detector. Neither is it an American Drone nor Aircraft carrier , it's not even the Atomic bombs of HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI nor is it the much disputed Nuclear Weapon. The Most TERRIFIC WEAPON EVER IS IN THE MOUTH!!! YES!!! YOUR MOUTH! What Weapon is often used by Politicians to Run-down Opponents While projecting themselves? What Weapon is often used at Pre-Match Press briefings to defeat opponents Psychologically? What other Weapon was Goliath's most valuable Asset of intimidation besides his big Biceps and Sword? The Tongue !!! The legendary American heavy weight boxer, Muhammad Ali had a practice of First defeating his opponents in press-briefings before ever stepping into the boxing ring. Even football Manager, Josè Mourinho is such a genius in "mind games" on the media that he c...