This piece
attempts a brief examination of attitudes and practices which are considered
obligatory to Muslims which also corresponds with certain Biblical injunctions
and/or practices that Christians these days either observe with levity and
complacency or simply neglect all together. It is intended to educate
Christians to whom both Muslims and Islam has remained an enigma, with the hope
of challenging us as Christians to be more dedicated to the Christ we believe
and be better Muslim evangelists at every given opportunity.
SHAHADAH : For the Muslim this is the words of witness or testimony
(Shahadah), it is recited by the Muslims everyday of their lives in the course
worship/prayer. The creed; Lailla illallahu Mohammadu rasul Ullah, which
literarily means: there’s no God but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet, is
repeated by the Muslim who hears it, it is recited in the ears new-born babes
and proclaimed by the lips of the dying. It is recited on all occasions during
the life. It is the most important creed/recitation to the Muslim and indeed
the psychological and religious influence and values of this brief creed has
been incalculable to for Islam. What’s more baffling about this creed is the
consistent dedication of Muslims to it.
For us
Christians we believe according to Romans 10:10 that with the heart a man
believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto
salvation. But what’s the exact content of the confession which forms the basis
of our Christian faith? Is it the Apostles
creed? Whatever it is, the LORDSHIP of our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, our
belief in His redemptive work on the cross for the remission of our sins must
be the centre of our confession. For us too, consistent re-affirmation of our
faith and daily submission to His Lordship is equally a necessity for the
purpose of daily immersion of our will in His and that of witnessing by the
power of the Holy Ghost about His LORDSHIP unto others as we are told to be in
Acts 1:8. But how often do we remind ourselves and sinners of the LORDSHIP and
Love of Christ on daily or weekly basis compared to the Muslims daily
proclamations and submission to Allah? Your guess is as good/bad as mine.
derived from the Aramaic word meaning ritual, worship or litany. It is a
specific and technical word for a definite series of actions and utterances
that cumulates as worship. A Muslim worshipper must be ceremonially clean; the
act of worship is so highly revered that a Muslim must perform the ceremonial
cleansing,(Ablution) before each session of the (5) required times of worship
on daily basis, i.e. just before dawn, after mid-afternoon, just after sunset and later in the
evening. There are specific times marked
or set aside as worship/prayer times in Islam and those times are so highly valued
by the Muslims, that no matter the worth of whatever business transaction
anyone is bringing to the office desk of a Muslim, if collides with his time of Prayer/Worship,
count him out! In fact I once had a
firsthand experience of this dedication and commitment of Muslims to their
faith when I went to Tea/Coffee shop of a Muslim one cool evening and the young
man without even looking at my face simply told me and everyone else who wanted
his service that it was time for him to go and Pray, so he’s not selling any
more until he’s back, not minding how much he was going to loose! Muslims
perform their worship with their eyes open. No offering is EVER taken at the
Mosque Service. Mosque expenses are paid from Special funds that are income
from Islam’s religious public endowments.
Even in the Bible, David the patriarch of
faith discovered that worship and a prayer are the keys to God’s hearts. No
wonder he declares in Psalms 55:17 evening and morning and noon will pray and
cry aloud: and He shall hear my voice. So highly was this act of worship
revered by Daniel that not even the King’s decree of banning supplication/petition to any other God but the King, signed into Law, could prevent Daniel from
going into his room ,
opening his windows and kneeling to pray
3 three times daily and giving thanks to his God as he usually did before the
obnoxious decree (Daniel 6:10).
According to Acts 3:1 Peter and John went
together into the Temple Pray at the hour of prayer, being the ninth (9th )
hour. Ooh! so even the event the Apostles
observed the hour of prayer ?! On
the following day as they went on their journey and came near the city, Peter
went upstairs to pray at about the 6th hour… Acts 10:9. Even
Cornelius’ testimony of Salvation reveals that he was fasting until a certain
hour and at the 9th hour he prayed
in his house and… Act 10:30. Our LORD Jesus Himself was not left-out as
he often seen in the Bible withdrawing to solitary locations for the same
purpose. He rightly admonished us in Luke 18:1 that men always to pray and not
For the new-testament Christian, Paul
encouraged us on the necessity of praying always with all prayer and
supplication in the Spirit… Eph 6:18. This makes prayer a spiritual activity
that ought to be continuous thereby transcending the mere ritual of some
religious litany or liturgy. Prayer never stops, therefore we pray without
ceasing (1Thes 5:17). It is however
still very necessary to have and observe both co-operate and personal specific
time of worship, prayer, devotion or whatever name you may call it, on a daily
– SAWM or SIYAM: Fasting for Muslims consists of two elements;
intention to make abstinence from physical refreshment, a religious act and actual fast during the month of Ramadan
from before dawn until after sunset. Abstinence from physical refreshment
includes not drinking water, or any liquids, not even swallowing one’s own
saliva. Although in many cities the observance is only a pretence for many
people, official ordinance forbids Muslims to drink or eat.
The month of Ramadan which is supposedly
the month of the Qur’an descent during the “night of power” (Liat Al Qadr)
during the latter part of the month, is as adopted for the fast. During this
time, there are increased acts of philanthropy especially from the Elites to
the indigents and less privileged. The
elites and financially buoyant considers this season of Ramadan fast as
opportunities to garner more rewards to stand a better chance of being saved
from eternal damnation on the basis of good works on the final day of judgment.
in Christianity good works is not the ultimate yardstick for salvation, the
Muslims however seem to be getting it right based on God’s recommended fast
according to Isaiah 58:6-7.
6 [Rather]
is not this the fast that I have chosen: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to
undo the bands of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break
every [enslaving] yoke?
7 Is it
not to divide your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your
house — when you see the naked, that you cover him, and that you hide not
yourself from [the needs of] your own flesh and blood? (AMP)
We Christians however believe based on the teachings of Christ
Jesus our Lord that a Personal or individual fast must not necessarily be a
widely publicized affair according to Matthew 6:16-18. These however we have
seen most Christian Denominations embark on month long periods of fast
especially during the 1st -2nd month of the New Year,
that is good. However, fasting is better done with understanding as an act of
spiritual discipline for effective warfare than a mere religious ritual or
TITHES –ZAKAT: This is one of the major duties and
responsibilities of the Muslim, paying taxes, giving the legal alms (Zakat).
The giving of alms to the poor was practiced by Muhammad, and it continues to
be a work of merit. Such charity is distributed at anytime of good fortune, on
return from a journey, at birth or wedding and on feast days or Holidays. This
however comes with its own problems which among others is; creating a class of
professional beggers.
The truth
however is that Israel from the time of Moses to the Early church in the New
Testament has always had a system in place to protect the widows, orphans and
vulnerable children among them. According to Deuteronomy 14:28-29, the tithes
where remitted was to cater for the needs of not just the Levites but also for
Strangers, Orphans and Widows. Even in the early church, according to 2:44-45,
where those who had properties and other possessions brought the dividends to
the Apostles for equitable distribution among the needy and indigents. These
days, the church seems to have grown too sophisticated for some of this ancient
practice, therefore many people that should have been Christians are Muslims
due to negligence from the church in their most challenging time, consequently
they have mortgaged their
soul for these fringe benefits. Some denominations however still have very
viable and active welfare committees.
– HAJJ: This is the final of
the (5) five pillars of Islam, which actually is a pilgrimage trip to Mecca and
Medina during Hajj season when some Muslims visit (Prophet) Mohammed’s grave in
Medina. The trip to Mecca is required of every devout Muslim who is free born
(not a slave) and can afford the means to at least once in a lifetime. Those
who can afford many times over encouraged to sponsor or foot the bills o f as
many people as they possibly can especially for those who unable to afford the
trip. There days for the greater hajj and those for the lesser hajj, these are
usually days of special ceremonies in Mecca.
For a
Christian the concept of being a pilgrim applies in a different light,
pilgrimage does not necessarily mean a trip to the Holy Land (Jerusalem)(which
is good for those who can afford it) rather it is a concept that applies to
living with the consciousness of eternity which comes after this temporal life
on earth, which the Muslims too are conscious of. We Christians understand that
we are Pilgrims (Strangers, Foreigners, and Travelers or Sojourners) on this
earth as we see from Hebrews 11:13 and 2Peter 2:11. A traveler stopping over at
a Motel for a night or two does not loose sight of the fact that he is on
transit to a crucial mission and starts parading like a landlord or pursuing
some vain things.
As Christians we
can’t confidently claim to be pilgrims when there is a gross digression from
the New Testament order of prayer and the word movement to a dancing Church,
not when the cravings for the fringe benefits of material gains have eclipse
the Cross of Christ, not when a Church can be so comfortable going 52 Sundays
in the year without a single detailed teaching on Heaven, Hell, Eternity or Sin;
in fact the last sermon I heard about Hell in a Church service was about 12
year ago! Are we really Pilgrims? Your guess is as good as mine.
JIHAD: Although not listed among the (5) five pillars of Islam, Jihad
is an obligation that is incumbent upon Muslims, to some sects it is a
contingent obligation, to others it is a prescribed duty. But generally Islam
teaches that both Judaism and Christianity have been completely over shadowed
by Islam because Islam is the final revelation of God. Muslims are the custodians/keepers of the
faith and are therefore commanded by God through the Qur’an to take over the
World and subdue it until there are only followers of the True God in the
world. That’s the reason why they have taken
up arms and declared a “Holy-war” in parts of the world where they seek to
establish an all Islamic caliphate or out rightly Islamic/Sharia states.
There are
various dimensions of this Jihad which could either be political, military, economic,
intellectual/academic and even political jihad. This explains the desperate
struggle by Muslims to capture and retain political power by any possible means
even in areas not originally theirs so long as Islam has a presence, this
explains the reason for the various Islamic Terrorist networks in various parts
of the world which the Muslims more often than not pretentiously or ignorantly
deny or defend. Ranging from the much
dreaded Al-Queda, Hezbollah, Hamas and most recently ISIS (Islamic States of
Iraq and Syria) in the Middle-East, to Al-Shabab of Somalia and Kenya in East
Africa, even up to Boko Haram of the West and Central Africa. Economically
Jihad explains the reasons for the aggressive investment of Multi-Billions of
Arab Oil Money into the game of football in the most lucrative European Leagues
ranging from Kits/Club Sponsorship of top clubs in the French Ligue Un, to
Italian Serie A, to the Spanish La Liga to Kits, Club and Stadium branding
rights in the English Premiership League officially known as “Barclays
Premiership”. In fact I would not be surprised to wake-up one morning to hear
that it has been re-branded “Emirates Premier League”, in fact there is
“Emirates cup” already being hosted annually in England!
The Shia Islamic Republic of Iran, the Sunni
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The UAE (United Arab Emirates) are among the leading
Islamic nations with foreign policies tailored towards the aggressive pursuit
of Jihad in various forms and dimensions earlier mentioned above depending on
the sect of Islam they are affiliated
The concept of warfare
for a Christian refers to the accompanying battles of life that comes with
obedience to the Great Commission which about ensuring that the gospel of the
Kingdom and of our Lord Jesus is preached among every Tongue, Tribe, Nation and
People group and disciples are made unto the likeness of Jesus Christ in all
Nations of the earth, Until the earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory
of the LORD. It is the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom in the Name of
Jesus Christ that provokes the rage of Satan, consequently a believer knows
that according to Ephesians 6:12 that He or She is not engaged in a physical
warfare against Mortals but rather in Spiritual battle/confrontation between
the Kingdom of Light and that of Darkness in which humans are just instruments,
objects or even recipients of warfare aggression or wrath.
COMMUNITY – UMAR: It’s interesting
to note how Muslims especially in countries where their population is well
under 100% usually live in communities and ghettos within which they are 100%
Muslims and govern themselves and live by Sharia Law. Not even the National
Police of the host country can enter such ghetto/communities be it in the UK,
France or even Germany. There are no National courts, no schools, nor
non-Muslim religious facilities, the children attend Qur’anic schools, the
community is NOT integrated into the larger Community and association with
infidels is usually frowned at and could even attract a capital punishment of
death. This is mostly the reason why it could be difficult for even Muslims who
have reached the valley of decision after being confronted with the Truth of
the Gospel to renounce the Islamic faith, because that automatically makes him
or her an outcast from that community, estranges him from his biological
family, strips him of the benefits of being part of the Muslim community; such
as Economic security because loose he has work for, among many others. This concept of communual life is one the attributes
of Muslims which makes Islam look so formidable.
Again considering the lifestyle of the early church
as found in: Acts 2:44-47
And all who believed (who adhered
to and trusted in and relied on Jesus Christ) were united and [together] they
had everything in common;
they sold their possessions (both their landed property and their movable
goods) and distributed the price among all, according as any had need.
And day after day they regularly assembled in
the temple with united purpose, and in their homes they broke bread [including
the Lord's Supper]. They partook of their food with gladness and simplicity and generous hearts,
Constantly praising God and being in favor and goodwill with all the people; and
the Lord kept adding [to their number] daily those who were being saved [from
spiritual death].
Today the world’s System have so radically influenced our lifestyle
as Christians, that we have become too sophisticated for this kind of life judging
by our thinking, how soon we have forgotten the fact that Christ intended
Christianity to be a movement where
everyone ought to be his or her brother’s keeper. Today, if a Christian dares
to enquire about the spiritual welfare of a fellow Christian brother/sister, he
or she is considered a nosy intruder who will not mind his/her business. Even
more saddening is the lack confidence and lack of respect for either religious
leaders or their integrity among Christians, that many Christians would rather
have a court presided over by an Unbelieving judge to arbitrate on cases
between them and fellow believers rather than trust on the sound judgment of
their spiritual Leaders and pastors. It is so sad that even in Marriage,
Weddings that are conducted by the Church end-up being dissolved by the courts!
According to the order prescribed by Jesus brethren in the faith should not
even let an Unbeliever hear their differences not to talk of judging the case.
The right order should be:
Matt 18:15-17
If your brother wrongs you, go
and show him his fault, between you and him privately. If he listens to you,
you have won back your brother.
But if he does not listen, take
along with you one or two others, so that every word may be confirmed and upheld by the testimony of two or
three witnesses.
If he pays no attention to them
[refusing to listen and obey], tell it to the church; and if he refuses to
listen even to the church, let him be to you as a pagan and a tax collector.
This is why you can hardly find two Muslims seeking arbitration in a
Non-Sharia Court or a two Muslims fighting over the nomination ticket of the
same political party especially if they
are up against a non-Muslim, they'd rather team-up against the
These are the few points of dIfference and common grounds as well among
many others through which we can reach-out to Muslim friends, colleagues in
places of work in the course of our conversations with them. We must however
remember that the conviction of any sinner depends squarely on the Holy Spirit
because the buck stops at his desk. Reaching Muslims does not rely on key opens
all locks neither does same formula solve all equation.
The Biblical Muslim