THE BIBLICAL MUSLIM This piece attempts a brief examination of attitudes and practices which are considered obligatory to Muslims which also corresponds with certain Biblical injunctions and/or practices that Christians these days either observe with levity and complacency or simply neglect all together. It is intended to educate Christians to whom both Muslims and Islam has remained an enigma, with the hope of challenging us as Christians to be more dedicated to the Christ we believe and be better Muslim evangelists at every given opportunity. CONFESSION OF FAITH/CREED OR WITNESSING – SHAHADAH : For the Muslim this is the words of witness or testimony (Shahadah), it is recited by the Muslims everyday of their lives in the course worship/prayer. The creed; Lailla illallahu Mohammadu rasul Ullah, which literarily means: there’s no God but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet, is repeated by the Muslim who hears it, it is recited in the ears new-born babes and proclaimed by the lips ...